Superman Is Dead - Twice And Paradise

Superman Is Dead - Twice And Paradise - Hello sahabat Chord Gitar Indonesia, sharing Kunci gitar saat ini yang berjudul Superman Is Dead - Twice And Paradise, Disini saya menyajikan lirik lagu lengkap dengan kord gitarnya dari awal sampai akhir lagu. semoga postingan kunci gitar yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat dan dapat anda pahami dengan baik. oke bro, ini dia chord gitarnya.

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Superman Is Dead - Twice And Paradise

Chord dan Lyric lagu Superman Is Dead - Twice And Paradise

Intro: A5

Twice bar is the best i know
Ramones blast on stereo
D5 E5
Poster hanging on the wall
D5 E5
The best for rock ‘n’ roll

The band starts to play at nine
And the kids start losing their minds
D5 E5
Can you fell the beat behind
D5 E5
Doesn’t make you fell so fine

A5 D5
It’s a rock n roll
A5 E5
Rocking all the time
A5 D5
It’s a rock n roll
A5 E5
Rolling all the time
It’s a rock n roll
D5 E5 D5 E5
Fun fun all the time all night long

Intro: A5

The bartenders are very nice
Their tattoos make me amaze
E5 D5
Everybody love this place
The best place in paradise

Twice bar is the best I know
Ramones blast on stereo
D5 E5
Poster hanging on the wall
D5 E5
The best for rock ‘n’ roll

A5 D5
It’s a rock n roll
A5 E5
Rocking all the time
A5 D5
It’s a rock n roll
A5 E5
Rolling all the time
It’s a rock n roll
D5 E5 D5 E5
Fun fun all the time all night long

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